A funny YouTube video that has gone viral talks about having a “bitchy resting face”. The woman in the video consistently has people asking her if something is wrong because they think she is in a bad mood. She isn’t. As she says, she just has a “bitchy resting face.” Apparently she is not alone.
Although partially genetic, there are some changes that occur to the face over time that can make you look angry or overly concerned even when you’re not. Repeated furrowing of the brow can cause a deep wrinkle between the eyebrows. This is something can easily be treated in about 15 minutes with Botox or Xeomin injections. This can temporarily relax the muscle for about 3-6 months so the furrow between the brows becomes less evident.
A downturned mouth is another facial feature that can make people look angry when they’re not. Gravity can cause the skin of the face to sag and can drag down the corners of the mouth. Hyaluronic fillers like Juvederm or Belotero can help create lift in the corners of the mouth. For some patients, Radiesse can give very nice results in lifting the corners of the mouth and adding some volume to the face where needed.
A heavy or lowered brow can also create a look of being tired or angry. Again, gravity is typically to blame, and a surgical brow-lift, or non-surgical treatment like Ultherapy can help lift the brow through ultrasound technology, or Exilis Elite can help tone the skin by developing new collagen over time.
If others frequently ask you if you’re angry when you’re not, there are many options you may want to consider. Otherwise, of course, you can explain to them that you simply have a “bitchy resting face.”
For more information about facial fillers, brow-lift or other facial rejuvenation procedures, please call Grand Rapids Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Steven Ringler at 616.328.8800.