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What is Cellutone?

Cellutone is a non-invasive treatment that is designed to reduce cellulite and improve your skin texture. It harnesses the power of targeted vibration to enhance microcirculation and oxygen supply in the target area resulting in tighter and more youthful skin.

The benefits

  • Comfortable, in-office treatment
  • No downtime or anesthesia
  • Results after just one treatment
  • A visible improvement in cellulite

What can Cellutone do for you?

  • Reduce the appearance of cellulite
  • Minimize skin laxity
  • Improve skin tone and texture

Common treatment areas

We can apply Cellutone to virtually any area of the body. Common treatment areas in our office include:

  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Abdomen
  • Arms
  • Bra line

Why choose Dr. Ringler’s office for Cellutone treatments?

Dr. Steven L. Ringler is a board-certified plastic surgeon located in Grand Rapids, MI. With over 40 years of experience, he is internationally recognized for his accomplishments in plastic surgery. Whether you require a surgical aesthetic procedure or a non-invasive treatment, you can rest assured that you are in highly capable hands with Dr. Ringler.

Understanding cellulite

Cellulite is a very common cosmetic concern. The signature skin dimples develop when fat cells accumulate and push up against the skin, while the fibrous strands that connect the skin to your muscles pull down. It is more common in women than men and although weight gain makes cellulite more noticeable, weight loss alone is not a solution. Genetics, a sedentary lifestyle, and pregnancy can all increase your risk of developing cellulite.

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Steven L. Ringler, MD, FACS

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Your treatment experience

What to expect

Your Cellutone procedure will take place in the privacy of our office. To begin, we will apply ultrasound gel to the target area. We will then move the Cellutone device over your skin, while you relax. Although the length of your appointment will vary depending on the scope, we generally need just 15 minutes per each treatment area.

The entire experience is very comfortable, with little to no pain or discomfort. Most of our patients require between four and six sessions spaced a few weeks apart for optimal results.

Recovery and Results

A true “lunchtime” procedure, you will be free to return to work and your normal daily routine immediately after Cellutone. There are some temporary side effects, which may include itching, redness, swelling, and bruising.

Am I a candidate?

Cellutone is safe for men and women of all ages and skin tones. To be considered an ideal candidate, you should be close to your ideal body weight and in good general health.


How long will my results last?

Cellutone results are not permanent. In general, we recommend maintenance visits every three months to preserve your smoother skin.

How much does Cellutone cost?

The cost of your Cellutone sessions will depend on the size of the treatment area and the number of sessions recommended. During your private consultation at our office, we will provide personalized guidance regarding your investment.

Contact us today

Say goodbye to cellulite with Cellutone. Contact Dr. Steven L. Ringler’s office today to learn more about this procedure and discover if non-invasive cellulite reduction is right for you.

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Steven L. Ringler, MD, FACS


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