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A Comprehensive, Personalized Approach

Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation

Recovery from breast augmentation typically takes approximately 1-2 weeks. Dr. Ringler’s Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation reduces downtime and typically allows patients to return to normal activities a day or two following surgery. In order to achieve this goal, it is important to understand and follow a very specific post-operative recovery schedule. You should also plan to have someone with you for 24 hours following breast augmentation for safety and to help you achieve your goals for a rapid recovery.

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What is Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation?

Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation is a very specific operative and post-operative protocol that involves; specific placement of breast implants, an exact routine for eating, sleeping, medication and exercise that work synergistically to help you recover from surgery much more quickly.

Rapid Recovery Breast Surgery Videos

Who is a good candidate for Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation?

Women who are basically healthy and understand their role in closely following the post-operative instructions will be most successful with the program.

What are the specific post-operative instructions?

Dr. Ringler will go over the details of rapid recovery with you at your private consultation. Additionally, at the Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery we have an interactive patient educational tool, TouchMD, which you may access. This tool will give you all the specifics of the program.

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Steven L. Ringler, MD, FACS


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