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What is Xeomin®?

Xeomin is an FDA-approved injectable that selectively limits muscle motions on the brow and around the eyes. The active ingredient is incobotulinumtoxinA, a neurotoxin which has been developed as a cosmetic treatment.

The smoothing effect of Xeomin

Xeomin is a protein that we can carefully inject into specific facial muscles to decrease the constant muscle motion leading to facial lines and wrinkles on the brow, and around the eyes. Like BOTOX, Xeomin smooths the prominence of existing frown lines, forehead furrows or crow’s feet. In order to maintain results, treatment must be repeated about every three to four months. Many people count on Xeomin treatments to continue to look younger by smoothing facial lines.

Is Xeomin safe?

Xeomin is manufactured by Merz Pharmaceuticals and has been used by more than 84,000 people worldwide. It is now approved for use in 20 countries. The active ingredient in Xeomin is the same as BOTOX, but it has a difference: Xeomin does not contain any additives. For some, this may be a benefit, as you can avoid the risk of developing antibodies that reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

What is the cost of Xeomin® in Grand Rapids?

The introductory price of Xeomin® at our Grand Rapids office ranges between $10 and $12 per unit. All injections are performed by our highly trained expert injectors who have advanced training in injectables.

Xeomin Michigan

How does Xeomin work?

Xeomin’s active ingredient works to halt the nerve signals to certain facial muscles for a smoothing effect. While the product smooths the brow, creases between your brows, or crow’s feet, the skill of your injector has everything to do with results, as you want to appear younger, refreshed, and natural, not a “frozen” appearance. This requires a full understanding of facial muscle structure so that the product is injected correctly to create a very natural look. You can trust our team of medical professionals to inject Xeomin correctly.

Why should I choose Xeomin®?

Looking younger and improving facial appearance often may be attained through non-surgical solutions such as using Xeomin or in conjunction with facial plastic surgery or other procedures and skincare products and treatments. Decreasing animation and frown lines can make you look less tired and angry creating a fresher, brighter, younger look.

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Steven L. Ringler, MD, FACS

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Why choose Xeomin®?

Age does not define the candidates for facial rejuvenation. Women and men of various ages choose facial rejuvenation to delay or improve visible signs of facial aging. Millions of patients safely undergo Xeomin injections every year in the United States alone.

Am I a candidate for Xeomin injections?

  • Deep lines between your eyes make you look tired, angry, sad, or upset.
  • Your facial expressions cause wrinkles in and around your eyes and forehead.
  • There is asymmetry in your eyebrows or face that can be corrected by relaxing a muscle.
  • You suffer from migraine headaches and botulinum toxin may provide relief from this condition.
  • You understand what Xeomin can and cannot accomplish.
  • You accept the risks of Xeomin and your responsibilities as a patient.
  • You have realistic expectations

What do I need to know about Xeomin?

Results are not permanent and will need to be re-injected every three to six months to maintain the smoothing effects of Xeomin. Many people choose Xeomin due to its purity, and as it often takes effect more quickly than BOTOX injections.

What are the side effects of Xeomin?

Xeomin is a safe injectable product, with few side effects to be concerned about. The most common side effects are minimal bruising and numbness, but these side effects are minimal and short in duration. You should understand that all cosmetic procedures carry the potential for risks, which will be fully discussed with you during your consultation. Any more serious side effects are extremely rare.

Why choose Our Expert Injectors for Xeomin injections?

When it comes to injectables, including Xeomin®, your results are the direct results of the skills of your injector. At the Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery in Grand Rapids, as medical professionals and trained expert injectors, you can be confident that your injections will be performed with great skill, with the right quantity of the product.

What can Xeomin do for me?

Xeomin has many benefits, including:

  • Smooths brow creases
  • Smooths frown lines between brows
  • Restores smooth look to crow’s feet
  • No additives, less risk of allergic reaction or secondary side effects
  • Less likely to develop resistance to the injections for continued results
  • Many patients report Xeomin works more quickly than BOTOX

For more information about Xeomin, please call 616.328.8800 or contact the office of Grand Rapids plastic surgeon Dr. Steven L. Ringler at the Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery.

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Steven L. Ringler, MD, FACS


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