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Non-Surgical Solutions

In the past, you could sculpt your ideal body in one of two ways: at the gym or in the operating room. Today, men of all ages are able to smooth away unwanted pockets of fat, tighten loose skin, build muscle, and create more contoured bodies with an array of non-surgical and highly-effective in-office treatments.


Emsculpt is designed to help you build muscle and sculpt a more athletic physique – without the gym. This non-invasive, high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology creates powerful contractions in the abdomen and buttocks. The muscle responds by adapting and remodeling its inner structure – revealing the results you’ve been looking for.

Forever Young BBL

Forever Young is an age-defying laser that can tighten skin virtually anywhere on the body. It tends to be appropriate for most men and is safe for all skin types. During the procedure, infrared light technology is delivered to the target area to firm and tighten the skin from the inside out.

Exilis Ultra

Exilis Ultra combines radio frequency energy with ultrasound technology to tighten and contour the skin. Popular treatment locations among our male patients include the abdomen, thighs, knees, and upper arms. Energy from the treatment device penetrates the skin, tightens the area, and stimulates the production of fresh collagen – resulting in a tight and firm contour.


If you are close to your ideal body weight but need to target stubborn belly fat that is unresponsive to diet and exercise, CoolSculpting may be right for you. The procedure works by freezing unwanted fat cells to the point of death. Over time, the body will naturally clear them away, revealing a more sculpted silhouette.


VanquishME is a non-invasive fat removal procedure that can target unwanted, stubborn areas of fat on the flanks, abdomen, and thighs. The device is unique in that it never touches the body and is instead suspended above the treatment area. It works by using radio frequency energy to target and destroy unwanted fat cells without harming the skin.


When performed regularly, Cellutone can visibly minimize the appearance of cellulite and improve skin texture throughout the body. It’s a non-invasive solution that uses the power of targeted vibrations to enhance microcirculation and oxygen in the treatment area. It is a comfortable, in-office treatment that deliver results after just one session.

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Steven L. Ringler, MD, FACS

Contact Us

Why choose Dr. Ringler’s office for non-surgical body solutions?

Dr. Steven L. Ringler is a board-certified plastic surgeon located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. With over 40 years of experience, he is internationally recognized for his accomplishments in plastic surgery. He is proud to feature the latest advancements in non-surgical aesthetic procedures and can help you achieve the full range of your cosmetic goals – with or without surgery.

Contact us today

Get the body you want – on your terms. Contact Dr. Steven L. Ringler’s office today to learn more about non-surgical body solutions, and discover if our approach is right for you.

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Steven L. Ringler, MD, FACS


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